Privacy in the age of big data : recognizing threats, defending your rights, and protecting your family / Theresa M. Payton and Theodore Claypoole. foreword by the honorable Howard A. Schmidt.
Recognizing threats, defending your rights, and protecting your family
Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield, 2015
1 volume (xvi-305 pages) ; 23 cm

Notes bibliographiques pages 263-288. Index.
The intersection of privacy, law, and technology. Technology section I : ground zero : your computer and the internet. Your computer is watching you. How government follows your electronic tracks. Chased online by criminals and snoops. Just hanging out online .... They spy in your pocket. Technology section II : risks in the streets. Cameras everywhere. When your car is just another computer. When your own body gives you away. DNA and your health records. Technology section III : home is where the heart (of surveillance) is. Home sweet home : spies in your living room. Risks of computer and phone networks. Technology section IV : where do we go from here?. The future of technology and privacy. Laws and regulations that could help preserve privacy.
Payton, Theresa -- Auteur
Claypoole, Ted -- Auteur
Droit à la vie privée -- États-Unis
Protection de l'information (informatique) -- États-Unis
Surveillance électronique -- États-Unis

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