Reading Emily Dickinson's letters : critical essays / edited by Jane Donahue Eberwein and Cindy MacKenzie
Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press, cop. 2009
1 vol. (XIII-293 p.) : ill. ; 25 cm
Notes bibliogr. Index.
""This is my letter to the world"" : Emily Dickinson's epistolary poetics / Cindy Mackenzie. Dickinson's correspondence and the politics of gift-based circulation / Paul Crumbley. ""Blossom(s) of the brain"" : women's culture and the poetics of Emily Dickinson's correspondence / Stephanie A. Tingley. ""Saying nothing... sometimes says the most"" : Dickinson's letters to Catherine Dickinson Sweetser / Karen Dandurand. Messages of condolence : ""more peace than pang"" / Jane Donahue Eberwein. ""What are you reading now?"" : Emily Dickinson's epistolary book club / Eleanor Heginbotham. Emily Dickinson and marriage : ""the etruscan experiment"" / Judith Farr. Heritable heaven: erotic properties in the Dickinson-Lord correspondence / James Guthrie. Alliteration, emphasis, and spatial prosody in Dickinson's manuscript letters / Ellen Louise Hart. ˆA ‰hazard of a letter's fortunes : epistolarity and the technology of audience in Emily Dickinson's correspondences / Martha Nell Smith.
Eberwein, Jane Donahue
MacKenzie, Cindy
Dickinson -- Emily -- 1830-1886 -- Critique et interprétation
Poètes américains -- Dix-neuvième siècle -- Correspondance anglaise
Correspondance américaine -- Critique et interprétation -- 19e siècle
Poétique -- Dix-neuvième siècle

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